Creating your first desktop app with Python
Python enables developers to craft desktop applications. In this tutor...
All of us have seen the 404 error at some point. There are some other HTML error pages you want to know about? Did you ever think about what happens in the background when you see any of these HTML error pages on your screen? Those codes are used to convey important information to the user and it is better if we know them.
It seems every other day there’s a new Linux distribution, but at the end of the day, it’s still Linux. It’s not often we see new operating system kernels, and that’s for good reason; they require a lot of work to create, and even more to update over the years. Because operating system kernels require so much work, they tend to be expensive to maintain. The Linux kernel is developed by thousands of people around the world voluntarily contributing code to either the kernel itself or accompanying modules for hardware or standards related support.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use AWS service provider package built for laravel 4 and how to save a document into S3 bucket. We are going to include AWS SDK for PHP to the laravel as a package using composer. We are going to install AWS service provider via Composer by requiring the aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel package in our projects composer.json
Google has many amazing services and today i have chosen Google cloud printing its a really amazing service for offices to manage there printings etc. You have to set a printer with a computer and connect it with Google cloud printer and use this library on you web so any one can easily print from that website by uploading a file.
CodeIgniter is one of the most popular PHP frameworks around. It uses the Model-View-Controller Architectural design pattern and it’s considered by lots of PHP developers as one of the best framework solution for small to medium projects. In this article we will cover how to install CodeIgniter and we will view the most common configuration abilities of the famous MVC framework.
Web Service are typical Application Programming Interface (API) or Web APIs can accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards.
I have received many requests from my readers to write tutorial on Excel file import in MySQL database, so today I am going to give you this tutorial on how to read excel file and insert data into MySQL DB using PHP. I have used a php library php-excel-reader its a very simple and easy to understand library to get excel data in your MySQL database. You can also print data in same excel format in HTML and display on browser.
We have created a like and unlike script on our readers request we received many users feedback they face problems in counter etc. Now I have fixed all bugs and created its improved version with multiple like unlike on single page and for products and improve some JavaScript and CSS so I hope you like it.
I fount that simple snippet on codepen and it looks super easy and simple so no need of JavaScript to hide and show objects if we have a super easy and fast CSS method to do that. Its a very simple and easy snippet.