How to generate QR code in PHP
QR (Quick Response) code used to read your data in your smart devices ...
Web Crawler is an Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing. Many other names of Web Crawler : spiders, bot, web agent, worm. It support universal search engines(Google, Yahoo, MSN, Windows Live, ask, Bing etc.)
One of biggest reasons that large-scale WordPress sites slow down is because their database hasn’t been optimized. A lot of older sites are still using the MyISAM storage engine in their database. Over the recent years, InnoDB has shown to perform better and be more reliable. A big reason to use InnoDB over MyISAM, is the lack of full table-level locking. This allows your queries to process faster.
This tutorial will teach you that how you can create rich content/text editor using jQuery, I am using a jQuery plugin (listed below) to create this tutorial. There is many features in this plugin like embed image, support mobile devices and dose not force any styling and many more you can get in plugin page.
Back in October, we told you that Linux 4.9 is expected to arrive as the biggest ever Linux release in terms of the number of commits. This news was shared by Linus Torvalds with the announcement of Linux 4.9-rc2. Well, the wait is finally over as Linux 4.9 is here in all its glory.
This world is made up off several objects and objects communicate with each other. Similar objects can be grouped together. For example, take a college. It can have two working sections like teaching and non-teaching. These two groups can be further sub divided.
Extremely exciting news! A big day today. In case you have missed it, MySQL Group Replication has made it into the MySQL 5.7.17 release. Thus, it is now GA. The MySQL Group Replication feature is a multi-master update anywhere replication plugin for MySQL with built-in conflict detection and resolution, automatic distributed recovery, and group membership. You can read more about it in the online manual.
If you have noticed that when you open Facebook it show a content loading placeholder how that placeholder work and a working demo available below I have found that example on coepen and want to share that with you all if you need it you can use it in your applications.
After two successful classes, we're excited to announce the next group of promising startups for the third class of Launchpad Accelerator. The startups from Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Mexico will be joined by developers from five additional countries: Argentina, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
As a developer at another company (not Oracle), I once worked the support phone lines as the philosophy of the company was that developers should be familiar with real customers and their applications. I recall one call on a particular morning: a customer was crying because she had upgraded her database. The upgrade had destroyed her data. And, she had no backup. Her research data had been created for her PhD thesis. Sadly, she could not complete her degree since her work had been destroyed.
Recently I have used this plugin in an application and faced some issues to integrate it with bootstrap so I don’t want my readers to waste time in integration in this tutorial you will get a fullcalendar working with bootstrap, PHP & MySQL. We are doing some basic operations like add event, edit event and delete event.