Get Latitude and Longitude From Address in Codeigniter
In this tutorial, you learn how to get latitude and longitude from an ...
MySQL is the #1 open source database. Because of MySQL’s high performance, scalability, and availability, it has been widely popular for Web applications and has become the foundation for IT platforms that support high-traffic social media portals, e-commerce applications, and fast-growing organizations. As business models and technology requirements are being transformed in all industries, more and more companies are embracing and leveraging the cloud platform to enjoy the benefits of flexibility, agility and cost-savings. Available in Oracle Cloud, the Oracle MySQL Cloud Service provides an enterprise-grade MySQL database service to rapidly, securely, and cost-effectively deliver modern applications. With the latest MySQL 5.7.17 update release, MySQL Group Replication is now available in Oracle MySQL Cloud Service and offers native, built-in high availability for MySQL databases.
PHP is the most commonly used web development scripting language. Every month, a number of tools are created to make life of PHP developers much easier. Script debugging has always been a concern for developers, especially for beginners and intermediate level developers.
In this tutorial I will show you how to create form wizard and validation in jQuery, its a simple snippet created with Bootstrap and jquery to make a simple long from in steps to improve data collection process and beautify webpage.
Best 2016 PHP Books If you are looking for best PHP Programming books then this list contain very useful books published in 2016 you must have to learn these books. If you really want to learn Web Programming then you need to get basic programming skills and red books as many as you can. As a Programmer I am also reading many books to increase my knowledge and write applications and give training to my team.
Taking the necessary effort to learn how to touch type is a very essential skill for prospective programmers. Still, there are some who derisively deride this skill claiming that it is only applicable to professional typists and court of law stenographers. Well, this to some degree is certainly the case, but virtually any professional can greatly benefit from touch typing. More so those who are obliged to carry out their professional duties in front of a computer screen and use the keyboard on a frequent basis like programmers. Here then are some excellent reasons why typing skills are so important in studying programming languages for students.
Nowadays, PHP have several database extensions. In the past, there was only the MySQL extension. Later, MySQLi extension appeared. It enabled developers to write more neat and maintainable code. It had also the power of object-oriented and it was more secure and strongly recommended in its days. Now, we have PDO that literally has it all.
Creating videos can be an incredibly rewarding process. Filming and editing may enhance various skills, help you practice how to think creatively, and even help you to start visualizing things from different perspectives.
In this short article, I will share about how to use PHP for video editing. We will create video converter by leveraging a free tool called FFMPEG. This tool is powerful for video editing and becoming the base of many video editor software out there. This script can do the following jobs: – Convert video file to GIF image. – Cut the length of given video. – Convert given video to mp4 format.
The current incremental backup algorithm scans all the tables to gather changed pages even if very few tables are modified since the previous backup and thus results in a 'full-scan' incremental backup. This may result in increment backups requiring the same amount of time as full backup because it scans all the tables. The new algorithm aims to eliminate this extra time.
As explained in Redo Logging in InnoDB, redo logs are written to the redo log files in a circular fashion. Unless the MySQL server is idle, it continues to generate redo logs. MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) copies the redo logs from the redo log files to the ibbackup_logfile during a backup operation. MEB copies the redo logs in order to ensure that it does not miss any transaction while the physical backup is being done. MEB continues to copy the redo logs until it reads all the files from the data directory.