How to check live username availability with jQuery & PHP
I have received requests from my user to write tutorial on live userna...
We carefully listened to the feedback we got from the last preview release and incorporated many of the suggested changes. On top of that, we have fixed several bugs and extended existing functionalities.
A lot of people are finding it difficult to find out the shutdown button in Windows 10. It was very easy to spot it in older versions of Windows, as it stayed at the same place for so long. With Windows 10, most of the UI changed, and the location of the Shutdown button too. This article will teach you 7 ways on how to shutdown Windows 10.
Until recently, you would need to install complete Android Studio to use ADB and Fastboot on your computer. But now, Google allows you to download Android SDK Tools, which basically consists of ADB, Fastboot, and systrace. Theses tools are available for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Given the success of both our Java 8 Best Practices Cheat Sheet and our Java 8 Streams Cheat Sheet, it looks like cheat sheets are going to become ‘a thing’ for RebelLabs! This time, we’re staring at the happiest source code management tool available today, Git. With every great tool, there is a CLI which praises all the great features and options, which leads to a vast amount of stuff you need to remember and be normal to recall within a keystrokes notice.
In this tutorial, we are going to guide you through the entire process of creating a 3 node InnoDB cluster in Oracle Public Cloud (OPC). We will address each of the steps, from the initial configuration and setup of the OPC IaaS resources to the InnoDB cluster creation and setup.
MySQL 8.0.1 introduces two new features which allow you to better manage situations where you have tables with hot row contention. This issue frequently presents itself in scenarios such as worker threads all accessing the same tables trying to find new work, and ecommerce websites trying to keep accurate inventory counts.
In the last few decades, technology has advanced leaps and bounds in an effort to make our lives easier. Before, we had to have a radio, calculator, alarm clock, phone, TV, computer, and so much more — now you have nearly everything you need on your smartphone.
This tutorial explains how to upgrade to Ionic 3 and Angular 4 and how to use signature pad for your application. If you are working with some agreement related project or something which needs some written proof from the customers, we might in need of a signature pad...
MySQL 8.0.1 has just been released with a wonderful set of features across the board. Specifically in replication, there is plenty of new and exciting functionality as well as performance improvements. In this post I am going to summarize the replication features of this development milestone release.
C Programming language Evolution: ALGO->BCPL->B->Tradition C-> K&R C-> ANSI C-> ANSI/ISO C-> C99. It was developed & released around the year 1972.