Stored procedures in PHP and MySQL
Today, a majority of databases support stored procedures. A stored pro...
A binary tree is either empty or consists of a node called the root together with two binary trees called the left subtree and the right subtree.
In my last post about big MySQL deployments, I am quickly mentioning that InnoDB compression is allowing dividing disk usage by about 4.3 on a 200+ TiB dataset. In this post, I will give more information about this specific use case of InnoDB table compression and I will share some statistics and learnings on this system and subject. Note that I am not covering InnoDB page compression which is a new feature of MySQL 5.7 (also known as hole punching).
Coding is not an easy task to be as a normal programmer. But, If you try hard and keep a specific goal in your mind, then it is the simplest thing that makes you great. Let’s see who is in our popular computer programmers in the world for the 2017-2018 year.
The Payment Request API offers users an easy way to make payments on e commerce websites and apps with one tap. But getting your bosses or clients to buy into its simplicity and ease of implementation can be tricky. I’m going to demonstrate how easy it is to demo Payment Request in DevTools which will hopefully help you convince of its ease. Payments Request API will be implemented in desktop Chrome 61, but in the meantime you can use these tips to demonstrate it on your Android phone.
If you signed up for AdSense through a host partner and you’d like to show ads on your own non-host partner website, then you’ll need to provide us with the URL of the site you want to monetize. You can do this via a one-time application form. Note that if you haven't already verified your address via a Personal Identification Number (PIN), then you'll need to do this before you can apply to show ads on your own site.
Based on How large can MySQL be in production (article by JF), I have been looking at the awesome Orchestrator visualization of some replication hierarchies.
Have you ever thought about writing and compiling c or c++ programs online. Are you getting bored of using c, c++, java or any other compilers in your computer? If yes then here I come with a solution.
MySQL Connector/Net 8.0.8 is the fifth development release that expands cross-platform support to Linux and macOS when using Microsoft’s .NET Core framework. Now, .NET developers can use the X DevAPI with .NET Core and Entity Framework Core (EF Core)
MySQL 8.0.2 introduces SQL window functions, or analytic functions as they are also sometimes called. They join CTEs (available since 8.0.1) as two of our most requested features, and are long awaited and powerful features. This is the first of a series of posts describing the details. Let’s get started!
The MySQL Development team is happy to announce our 8.0.2 development milestone release (DMR), now available for download at (8.0.2 adds features to 8.0.1 and 8.0.0). The source code is available at GitHub. You can find the full list of changes and bug fixes in the 8.0.2 Release Notes. Here are the highlights. Enjoy!