New Angular 7 Upload File or Image Example
In this tutorial we will learn file Upload and File progress. Image up...
The first step that every business owner is expected to take before launching a business is developing a business plan. It is regardless of the size or type of the business: probably not different from the tours company you have started. If you are lucky enough to have a good business consultant, he/ she has advised you to grow your business market share by kicking off a social media marketing campaign.
WealthObjects is an award winning Financial Technology (FinTech) company offering technology solutions for Banks as well as Wealth Management and Investment Management companies. WealthObjects helps these financial institutions launch digital wealth solutions, such as Robo and Hybrid Advisory Services, quickly and cost-effectively to attract new generation of customers.
GitHub uses MySQL as its main datastore for all things non-git, and its availability is critical to GitHub’s operation. The site itself, GitHub’s API, authentication and more, all require database access. We run multiple MySQL clusters serving our different services and tasks. Our clusters use classic master-replicas setup, where a single node in a cluster (the master) is able to accept writes. The rest of the cluster nodes (the replicas) asynchronously replay changes from the master and serve our read traffic.
We are proud to announce that the open source version of Connector/NET 8.0.11 is also available as official MySQL NuGet packages. Connector/NET 8.0.11 is a GA release that can be used in production environments. Additionally, users with an older version can safely upgrade if preferred.
Developers love Google App Engine’s zero-config deployments, zero server management and auto-scaling capabilities. At Google Cloud, our goal is to help you be more productive by supporting more popular programming languages.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.
MySQL 8.0.11 introduced a new performance schema table named log_status, which provides consistent information about MySQL server instance log positions from replication and transactional storage engines.
There are dozens of Android apps for taking notes. Some of them let you take notes in the notification tray, which is quite useful for taking instant notes and get constantly reminded of them. But most of them have their own drawbacks.
I recently switched to Ubuntu from Windows, thanks to the Windows 10 breaking my computer again and again after getting updated (even after trying many ways to stop it from updating). After switching to Ubuntu, there were many issues at first, but I learned to iron them out one by one. One such issue was Google Chrome always asking to restore pages when I booted up my computer.
It gives us great pleasure to announce that the 7.6 release of MySQL Cluster is now ready for prime time.