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MySQLStreamer is an important application in Yelp’s Data Pipeline infrastructure. It’s responsible for streaming high-volume, business-critical data from our MySQL clusters into our Kafka-powered Data Pipeline.
I have received many requests from my readers to write tutorial on Excel file import in MySQL database, so today I am going to give you this tutorial on how to read excel file and insert data into MySQL DB using PHP. I have used a php library php-excel-reader its a very simple and easy to understand library to get excel data in your MySQL database. You can also print data in same excel format in HTML and display on browser.
The internet is swarming with PHP scripts but when it comes to Social Networking scripts, you can hardly find good ones. The reason for that must be because a social network need hard work for development and penis enlargement it’s very complicated to develop. Luckily, there are some good scripts out there with a small number of free ones. We have brought what we believe that they are the best, mostly used and have the top feedback.
While I was surfing the web to see what JS developers has in a store lately, I stumbled upon this great plugin which makes web images come alive.
If you are making a web site where multiple languages used like Arabic, French, Hindi or Urdu then your MySQL database default settings is not valid to do that to insert all languages in database. If you insert data in your database and database is not configured as I am going to show you in this tutorial then your data will be look like ????? and you lost your data.
I have found a good mobile based swipe tab here and really loved it so now I am sharing it with you. Its very simple and very useful tutorial you can use these tabs in your mobile based website or hybrid mobile apps.
MySQL 8.0 brings a lot of exciting new features and improvements. To make sure that your 5.7 system is ready for an upgrade there are certain steps you should take, described in our documentation: upgrade prerequisites. To make this process as quick and easy as possible we are introducing in MySQL Shell version 8.0.4 new utility called “Upgrade checker” (UC).
Are you making stored procedures if not please have a look at this. Stored procedures can help to improve web applications and reduce database requests traffic. This post explains you how to make procedures and decrease database requests.
Nowadays, PHP have several database extensions. In the past, there was only the MySQL extension. Later, MySQLi extension appeared. It enabled developers to write more ???? neat and maintainable code. It had also the power of object-oriented and it was more secure and strongly recommended in its days. Now, we have PDO that literally has it all.
As for each previous version, to upgrade to MySQL 8.0 you must first read the upgrade section in the manual. It’s important to know that you should upgrade without skipping a major version, so upgrade from 5.6 to 8.0 is not supported neither recommended.