Laravel 7 Delete File from Public Storage Folder
In this laravel delete files from public storage folder example tutori...
Time is money and money is time. For a programmer, time is indeed dear and when looking at possible online space, it would certainly be worthwhile to use a PHP hosting service.
Hosting a PHP stack directly on a provider like DigitalOcean is a bit tough for non-technical individuals. You will not be able to get any automated firmware or OS updates; you would have to do it yourself. Yes, the community is quite a friendly, but you have to do all this by yourself, and this means much work.
Welcome back to our CodeIgniter series. After our first two articles, Why Codeigniter Framework is Better than Custom PHP Development and How to install and Configure CodeIgniter Framework, its time to go on coding our first application using the famous framework. In this tutorial we will be coding a simple application using CodeIgniter’s MVC structure and connecting it to a MySQL database.
Skype is one of the biggest free VoIP (voice over internet protocol) service and an instant messaging client, currently developed and managed by Microsoft. Today I am going to show you that how you can check any Skype user’s status that he/she is online or off line. Its a very simple code I found on a website and want to share this with my readers.
QR (Quick Response) code used to read your data in your smart devices for ease. If you have a visiting card and want to add name, email and mobile number in you mobile its hart to type if there is a QR code of contact added on that card then you can easily add that in you contact list by scanning that code.
Some web hosts disable file_get_contents function. Most of them have curl library installed. This post help you to replace function for file_get_contents, using CURL library.
In this tutorial I want to explain how to work with Paypal Sandbox test accounts for payment system development and sending arguments while click buy now button. It’s simple and very easy to integrate in your web projects.
Using PDT, you can verify that a user actually made a purchase. If you have some auto redirect after a user made a purchase and check only the GET parameters of the return URL then any user could trigger the “thank you” page without actually having purchased anything.
Ever wonder how social media websites pops up a notification for every action that happen on your timeline?
Hangman is a popular game in which users have to guess the characters in a word with missing letters. Each time they guess a character that does not exist – a man who is being hanged is slowly drawn on the screen. When they get hanged or they complete the word, a new word is given for them and they start anew.