PHP | Types Of Errors
When working in PHP or any PHP framework. Sometimes you forgot to add ...
We have brought further enhancement to MySQL Group Replication 5.7 release by backporting some most requested features to MySQL 5.7.20 release
Let’s see how to disable USB Port in Windows 7, 8 and 10 without using any software. Disabling USB port helps you to protect against data theft and viruses. The System Administrator in school, colleges and office disable USB port using this hack.
In this article we are going to install ionic and its dependencies on windows operating system, but you can develop an ionic application on any operating system. To the installation of ionic and its dependencies such as Cordova Plugin etc we use command line tool.
Last time we looked at SKIP LOCKED where rows locked by another process were skipped. NOWAIT informs the server to return immediately IF the desired rows can not be locked.
In MySQL 8.0, we will be introducing a new configuration parameter called innodb_dedicated_server=bool. When ON, this option will look at the system memory, and then automatically set the these configuration parameters using the following rules:
Now a days web developers are making responsive html tables. Responsive table alone won’t be nice when you have large number of rows and columns in the table. If any table that has thousands of rows and more than 10 columns then height of the table is always larger than the webpage document. All you need to do is scroll the webpage to see the table rows without knowing the corresponding table headers. To avoid this poor user interface, I’m going to share Bootstrap Fixed Table Header using simple CSS that will make the table header sticky
With the next version of MySQL that is MySQL 8, there is a very nice feature of creating "roles" which can be assigned certain privileges and then these roles can be assigned to users, thus helping us in maintaining the principle of least privilege.
The fingerprint sensor on Samsung S7 is passive, i.e., you have to press it to make it work. On the other hand, fingerprint sensors on most devices today are active, they are continuously scanning for a fingerprint, and unlock as soon as you lay your finger on them.
If you’re the group tech hold, you maybe have to record the random screencast to show people how to adjust. Chances are, you don’t demand special screencasting software just for that. Digital revelation shows a clever way to just use YouTube.