MySQL Documentation: Indexes in Release Notes
We've recently made a change "in the background", adding an index to e...
MySQL documentation has greatly improved code examples now: There's syntax highlighting in place, and code snippets can easily be copied to the clipboard. Highlighting is language-aware (including "languages" like the shell/command line). See, for example, this page from the X DevAPI documentation that contains a number of code examples for different programming languages.
Pinterest’s main data source–Pin data–is stored as medium-sized (~1.2kb) JSON blobs in our MySQL cluster. These blobs are very compressible, but the existing compression system in MySQL was less than optimal and only resulted in 2:1 compression. In a previous post, we discussed why column compression is a more ideal compression system. In order to use column compression and have significant savings, we need to use a compression and optional predefined compression dictionary (i.e. lookback window).
Pinterest Infrastructure engineers are the caretakers of more than 75 billion Pins–dynamic objects in an ever-growing database of people’s interests, ideas and intentions. A Pin is stored as a 1.2 KB JSON blob in sharded MySQL databases. A few years back, as we were growing quickly, we were running out of space on our sharded MySQL databases and had to make a change. One option was to scale up hardware (and our spend).
Python enables developers to craft desktop applications. In this tutorial, we are going to create a desktop app in Python and make an executable for Windows. The application is going to be simple – it would allow users to select an article from a list, click read and the article will open in their browser. We are going to use Tkinter to craft the GUI that our application needs.
We all using old and traditional image captcha to to confirm that the user sending data is a human or a machine but to create that image captcha we have to create images for each page which takes few seconds to load the page. People don’t understand your captcha image reload the image, so now I am going to show you an alternate of image captcha is image less captcha with PHP where it generates the number as a phrase and ask user to type it in numbers.
LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking platform and used for professional networking. We create a tutorial on login with LinkedIn oAuth which is not working properly and difficult to configure for developers, after receiving many complains from readers I am writing this new tutorial on LinkedIn oAuth2 it’s super easy to integrate with your website in few simple steps.
As a part database administration, DBA has to take care of sub-components of database like server logs and has to plan for maintenance activity for these components regularly. MySQL has various types of log i.e binary log, error log, slow query log, general log for different purposes. And after certain time these logs will grow and you will start seeing issues like low disk space, a large number of logs etc.
There are several advantages to keeping up to date with the latest major versions of MySQL. To provide a short example using MySQL 5.7:
After some feedback we received from early adopters or discussions during events like FOSDEM, I realized that there is some misconception about the type of replication that MySQL Group Replication is using. And even experts can be confused as Vadim’s blog post illustrated it.