How to Search in MySQL using full-text indexing in PHP
Hello friends after a long time today I am going to write a post on fe...
Typically, you have a number of users with the same set of privileges. Previously, the only way to grant and revoke privileges to multiple users is to change privileges of each user individually, which is time-consuming.
PHP and MySQL have had a long intertwined path together. I have been talking with a lot of newbies in the past several months who are trying to become PHP developers but are amazed at all the ancillary parts that go along with PHP such as unit testing, databases, JavaScript, continuous integration, and much more. Add in that there are two MySQL APIs -- PDO & MySQLi -- and an older deprecated mysql API still often found in the wild. This blog is the start of a series for new PHP developers to learn to program with a database.
You probably heard that MySQL 5.7 supports JSON. But did you know that you can also use JSON with MySQL Stored Procedures - making them very flexible?
Today in our series of articles related to MySQL Group Replication’s limitations, let’s have a quick look at Savepoints. The manual is clear about this: Transaction savepoints are not supported. The first thing to check then is if the application that will use our MySQL Group Replication Cluster is currently using savepoints.
You probably use computers and programs on a daily basis, but you might not be aware that the first “pre-computers” didn’t even use electricity or that the first computer programmer was a woman. So here are some computer programmer facts.
NoSQL databases (additionally called as Not Only SQL Databases) are non-relational database systems used for Storing and Retrieving data. These days NoSQL Databases are vigorously utilized as a part of real-time web applications. NoSQL databases can likewise be said as Big Data databases or Cloud databases. NoSQL Databases are quicker in contrast of SQL Databases and thus NoSQL Databases are utilized as a part of a Big Data applications. Before utilizing any specific NoSQL Database you ought to check its component first on the grounds that each NoSQL Database has it claim set of functionalities. Now, we will go for Most popular NoSQL database and Best NoSQL Database for 2016 and 2017 year.
You are a DBA working hard to keep all the databases running so your staff can enter key data. Okay, if truth be known, maybe at the same time you are creating a MySQL program that fires off various lights with music for numerous holiday celebrations (Christmas, Day of the Return of the Wandering Goddess, Festivus, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, and Yule).
Recently I was testing data migration from MSSQL to MySQL using MySQL Workbench. My aim was to include data with all datatype available in MSSQL for migration. In this following blog post will see data migration prerequisites, migration steps and few common errors.
If you are a long time Android user, you might have come across various applications asking for root access to function. The internet is full of articles on rooting and the whole process is different for different smartphones. There are tons of guides on online forums and there is no single guide that works for all smartphones. Well, in this article, I’ll try to tell you the meaning of rooting and some related aspects.
In this tutorial I will show you how to create form wizard and validation in jQuery, its a simple snippet created with Bootstrap and jquery to make a simple long from in steps to improve data collection process and beautify webpage.