Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 2
In web2py, controllers are located in web2py_folder/applications/YOUR_...
The default styling for select elements isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you might want to control how it looks (to keep it consistent across browsers and devices) or you might want additional functionality that just isn’t supported natively. Thankfully there’s a heap of great jQuery powered plugins out there to simplify the process. We’re going to run through a selection of plugins you can incorporate into your next project. Some of these plugins are highly configurable with options, methods, and events, while others are simple replacements for select elements for styling and ease of use.
We often feel stranded while choosing between Wi-Fi and Ethernet. Both of these connections have their own advantages and disadvantages. These advantages and disadvantages are induced by different factors like interference, protocol standards, medium standards, latency etc. We are going to discuss all these factors in details below:
Frame Relay is a WAN protocol that operates at the physical layer and data link layer of the OSI reference model. The main purpose of designing the Frame Relay was to use this technology across Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interfaces. However, with time, its uses also came over to other network interfaces as well.
If you’re a regular or even an occasional computer user, then you might’ve heard the terms like Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Bots, Malware, Spyware, etc. But honestly speaking, we consider all these to be a Virus, no matter, whatever be their type. But have you ever tried to acknowledge, what is the difference between these terms, although they are meant to harm your device, steal your data or spy on you, have you ever thought why they are named so differently. Basically, terms like Viruses, Trojans are all types of malicious software or simply ‘Malware’.
In this tutorial you will know that how you can create a simple css3 based tooltip. Tooltips are great help for your users to know details of options you offered in your website on hover at question mark or help text. Can be used to explain longer descriptions or details of any link, input box or anything else you want to give extra information. Tooltip improve user experience of your site.
You all know that media query is used in CSS3 to make screen based styling and it’s a great option to make responsive websites. Nowadays most of the designers using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Baseguide, Foundation and more, but sometimes we need to make something without framework then you must know how to use media query.
With 1 billion active users, Whatsapp is the most popular messaging application. And I am sure, if you are reading this article, you are one of them. From family and friends to the place you work at, staying all time connected comes easy with it. So having only one WhatsApp account for both purposes, is not enough for most of us. In this article, I am going to tell you how to Install 2 WhatsApp Accounts on your phone. And guess what? You even don’t need a dual sim phone for that. And all this is possible with App.
Today i have some requirement for masking on one of my project and i have used a masking lightweight library and i love it. So i have decided to write about it on Codinghelptech. Masking allows users to easily fix width of input boxes where you require input from user in a pacific format like dates, phone numbers etc.
What do you thinking being a PHP developer was all about dreaming up clever algorithms or amazing graphics routines and then prompting them in sophisticated, securely written code? Shows what you know. I will try to share with you how developers should spend their free time using frameworks, tell you that by using frameworks you craft your job more interesting, do your PHP projects with excellence and get a lot of time in return. How to allocate this time? Obviously, you can watch movies or read your favorite comic books; Chat with the social network friends, and you are lover of good sleep. But we turn down these philosophies, because we work at drive, so we are experts and we have to verify it constantly. That’s why I plan a list of activities that you should to all one wants in your free time with.
Do you ever have developed websites software based on user input, but not found an easy way to make sure the input entered by the user is the desired output? Or maybe you need to change a word that recurs in various revisions hundred times within a document of tens of thousands of words? To overcome these problems and many other problems developed language that enables advanced analysis of text: language of regular expressions.