Crop and Save Image Using jQuery Croppie and PHP
Ajax image upload and crop with jquery croppie and PHP. Here, we will ...
Font Awesome is a CSS library which gives you vector icons (which are all based on mathematical expressions, to represent images in computer graphics.) that can be easily customize with power of CSS like size, color or drop shadow etc. Basically this Font Awesome was designed for Bootstrap and now all the web designers adopting it and creating themes with very few images or no images.
CodeIgniter is one of the most popular PHP frameworks around. It uses the Model-View-Controller Architectural design pattern and it’s considered by lots of PHP developers as one of the best framework solution for small to medium projects. It has some great features that we are going to talk about them in this article.
Web development is often thought to be a serious business; therefore, people always look for professional vendors to get their website built in a clean and usable form. These outsourcing business engagement models have their own set of benefits as they offer quality-rich websites within a limited budget. In this blog, I have mentioned about outsourcing PHP development and the advantages one can gain by availing such kind of services.
Are you thinking of using PHP for your next web development project? If so, which PHP platform should you use? If you are a web developer you probably know about “Laravel” and the rest of this blog post will reinforce what you already know. If not, keep reading this article.
Video chatting has become much more commonplace nowadays, with apps such as Skype rising in popularity alongside web-based services such as Google Hangouts. However despite the fact that video chatting has improved by leaps and bounds over the years – many people still feel that its quality leaves a lot to be desired, and constantly face issues such as choppy video or poor audio.Video chatting has become much more commonplace nowadays, with apps such as Skype rising in popularity alongside web-based services such as Google Hangouts. However despite the fact that video chatting has improved by leaps and bounds over the years – many people still feel that its quality leaves a lot to be desired, and constantly face issues such as choppy video or poor audio. The good news is that it is actually possible to improve the quality of your video, audio and video chats in general by following a few simple tips: 1. Check that nothing else is taking up your internet bandwidth One of the main reasons why the quality of your video chats may be poor is if there is insufficient bandwidth. Before you start chatting, take a minute to make sure you aren’t downloading any files, streaming video, or doing something else that could eat into the bandwidth available. 2. Make sure there is no light in the background If there is a light right beyond you that is within the camera frame then the high contrast could make the picture quality poor. Ideally having a light in front of you but behind the camera is perfect and will help provide the best video quality on your end. 3. Use headphones (especially in a video conference) The main reason why you may hear an ‘echo’ is when headphones aren’t being used and the audio from your speakers is being picked up by your microphone and re-transmitted. Wearing headphones is an easy way to get around this problem – and it also helps if anyone else in the chat session uses them too. 4. Connect using Ethernet and not WiFi In the event that your WiFi connection is poor it may drop packets that could result in choppy video and the audio cutting out. Try connecting via an Ethernet cable if possible and see if things improve, or maybe look into how you can improve the quality of your WiFi connection. Implementing these tips should increase the quality of any video chat considerably. If you want you could even go a step further and save any video chatting sessions on Skype or Google Hangouts by using Movavi Screen Capture Studio to record them directly from your screen. It won’t take you long to set up Movavi Screen Capture Studio to record a video chat, and you can find instructions to do so at Additionally the software also includes video editing features so you will be able to cut and combine video segments, enhance the video quality, apply special effects or filters, add customizable text, include background music, and much more.
Show image before upload is a requirement of every web application to give good user experience. We published a tutorial that dose’t work in all browsers so, now I am going to give you this tutorial it will work on every browser which support HTML5 File API and JavaScript check compatibility of API here. I hope you like this tutorial as all other
Just as you use a database like MySQL to store your application data, MySQL must also store its meta data (schema names, table definitions etc) somewhere. Traditionally this meta data storage has been split between many different locations (.FRM, .PAR, .OPT, .TRN and .TRG files). This has gradually become a bottleneck in various contexts.
NoSQL databases (additionally called as Not Only SQL Databases) are non-relational database systems used for Storing and Retrieving data. These days NoSQL Databases are vigorously utilized as a part of real-time web applications. NoSQL databases can likewise be said as Big Data databases or Cloud databases. NoSQL Databases are quicker in contrast of SQL Databases and thus NoSQL Databases are utilized as a part of a Big Data applications. Before utilizing any specific NoSQL Database you ought to check its component first on the grounds that each NoSQL Database has it claim set of functionalities. Now, we will go for Most popular NoSQL database and Best NoSQL Database for 2016 and 2017 year.
I am writing on latest SDK v5 how to login with Facebook using PHP SDK v5 which is the latest version and I suggest you all to update your old Facebook login integration to the latest version.
Web design and print design use the same elements: space and layout, fonts and colors, and formats. An understanding of the elements that make up a good design produces a web page that works well. Design elements apply to web pages, business cards, or T-shirts and to understand them is to be a designer. Most web pages have large amounts of text. A designer needs to think about text fonts, positions of blocks of text, and adjustments to text size and shape. Color, another important design element, enlivens web pages and dresses them up. The saying “a picture is worth 1,000 words” is certainly true in web design, making graphics for many viewers the most enjoyable parts of web pages. Layout organizes web page elements according to basic design principles, and accessibility makes the website useful to as many people as possible, so a good designer does not neglect this element.