What Is Rooting? Is Rooting My Android Smartphone Illegal?
If you are a long time Android user, you might have come across variou...
Laravel Eloquent ORM Cheat Sheet. This tutorial provide you all the laravel eloquent ORM.
Laravel 9 image upload; In this tutorial, we will learn how to upload images into the MySQL database and storage directory with validation in laravel 9 apps. And as well as, how to validate image mime type, size, dimension, etc on laravel controller by using laravel validation rules.
Laravel 9 form validation example tutorial. Through this tutorial, we will learn how to validate form data before store into MySQL database in laravel 9 apps.
Are you wondering what PHP framework will be the best to develop web applications in 2021? If so, then you’re in exactly the right spot. In this article, we will look at the various PHP frameworks in depth.
MongoDB is a documents database that is used to create high-availability and scalable web applications. Thanks to its modular schema method, it’s trendy among teams of developers who employ agile methodologies. Moreover, with the drivers for all the major software languages, MongoDB permits you to start developing your application without configuring databases instantly.
Create api rest with laravel 8 passport authentication. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build rest APIs with passport authentication in laravel 8 application. As well as will show you how to install passport and configure passport in laravel 8 app.
Find and delete duplicate records in MySQL; In this tutorial, we will learn how to find duplicate records or rows in the database table. And as well as, will learn how to find and delete duplicate rows but keep ones into MySQL database table.
Add days, months, and years to date in PHP; Through this tutorial, we will learn how to add days, month and year to date in PHP.
Angular 13 gets the current location latitude and longitude; Through this tutorial, we will learn how to get the current location latitude and longitude in Angular 13 Google maps by using the google AGM core package.
Angular 13 Copy to Clipboard tutorial; throughout this tutorial, we will learn how to create a copy to Clipboard feature using the ngx-clipboard package in angular 13 apps.