Laravel vs CakePHP – Which One is Best for Web App Development in 2020?
Web development technologies have evolved to provide better and effici...
Laravel Image Intervention Package – Today we would love to share with how to use image intervention package and resize the image size using the laravel image intervention package and we will upload the image using ajax and jquery with validation.
Some countless features and packages support myriads of facilities on both the platforms. Made for built-in web development projects, functionalities that are a vital ingredient of the World Wide Web, PHP frameworks have evolved as a scripting language above and beyond. Countries like India are a rich source of outsourced jobs that require such skills, and learning what is going to be more useful in the coming future, is surely going to add some good paychecks to your salary.
Hello Developers and learner, In this laravel 5.7 social login tutorial – We would like to share with you, How can we implement linkedin social login in your Laravel based project using laravel 5.7 socialite package. Also working with laravel 5.8 version.
In this laravel collection methods tutorial, we will discuss about laravel collection methods and it’s uses with simple and easy example.
Jquery submit form ajax laravel 5.7 without page refresh. We will discuss how to submit a form using ajax without page refresh or page reload, we will use jquery submit handler with jquery validation rules for ajax form submission. We will also use csrf token in ajax form submission. And also work with laravel 5.8 version.
In this laravel tutorial, When we do development, We want to filter some records using laravel inbuild Functions and methods. We would love to share with you many laravel where Function. As we know that laravel provide where, whereDate, whereRaw, whereMonth, whereYear, whereIn, whereNotIn, whereNull, whereNotNull, whereTime, havingRaw, whereBetween, whereNotBetween and laravel pluck.
In this laravel cronjob tutorial, We would like to share with you how to create cronjob and how to test cronjob in localhost. We will also discuss how to set cronjob on live server. And this example also work with laravel 5.8 version.
In this laravel middleware tutorial, we will learn how to create custom middleware and how it use in laravel based project. Simply create one custom middleware and check language in query string.
How to implement autocomplete search with Database in laravel 5.7 app with jquery typeahead js. In this tutorial, We will share with you how to implement autocomplete search with database using jquery typeahead js example. And this example also work with laravel 5.8 version.
We would like to share with you how to create pdf and download pdf in laravel 5.7 App. Today we will implement pdf functionality with example step by step in laravel 5.7 based project.