Query For Get Data Of Last Day, Week, Month, YEAR – Mysql
In this MySQL tutorial – we would love to share with you how to get ...
Laravel 7 eloquent join example tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn how many types of join and subquery join in laravel. And as well as how to use this laravel join with eloquent queries.
How to integrate paytm payment gateway in the laravel 7/6 application. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss step by step how to integrate paytm payment gateway in our laravel App using anandsiddharth/laravel-paytm-wallet package. In this example, we will integrate the paytm payment gateway in a simple and easy way.
If you are looking, laravel custom cron job schedule, laravel run cron job manually, laravel cron job cpanel, laravel run schedule manually, laravel scheduler every second, how to run cron job in laravel. So this tutorial will help you.
Laravel 7, 6 socialite google gmail account login example tutorial. Here you will learn how to implement socialite google gmail account login in laravel app using laravel socialite package.
Generate pdf in laravel 7.x/6.x. Here, we would like to share with you how to create pdf and download pdf in the laravel 7/6 Application.
How to create a full-screen responsive image gallery using CSS and Masonry ( is a JavaScript grid layout library ), Masonry gallery is a popular grid layout that uses optimal space to place images without the need to crop your pictures.
This tutorial shows you client-side searching in an HTML table with jQuery this is a very simple and easy code snippet you can use it in small apps reporting where you want to add fast searching you can use this code snippet its a 10 line of code to make a simple and fast searching so download it or check it in demo.This tutorial shows you client-side searching in an HTML table with jQuery this is a very simple and easy code snippet you can use it in small apps reporting where you want to add fast searching you can use this code snippet its a 10 line of code to make a simple and fast searching so download it or check it in demo.
Laravel 7, 6 pagination example tutorial. In this laravel pagination tutorial, you will learn how to use laravel inbuilt pagination methods with bootstrap tables.Laravel 7, 6 pagination example tutorial. In this laravel pagination tutorial, you will learn how to use laravel inbuilt pagination methods with bootstrap tables. This tutorial will show you how to use laravel pagination with tables and display data with pagination. And also you can add search with pagination in laravel app. Laravel 7/6 Pagination with Tables Just follow below simple and easy steps to use laravel inbuilt pagination methods with a bootstrap table in laravel app. Install Fresh Laravel Setup Database Credentials Run Migration Add Fake Data Create Route, Controller & Blade View Start Development Server 1. Install Fresh Laravel First We need to Download fresh Laravel setup. Use the below command to download the laravel fresh setup on your system. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog 2. Setup Database Credentials In this step, we need to set the database credential in .env file, so go to your project .env file and set the database credential: laravel datatables configuration.evn 3. Run Migration We need to do the migration of tables using below command: php artisan migrate This command will create tables in our database. 4. Add Fake Records We need to add some records in the database. Use the below command for adding fake records in your database. php artisan tinker After run the php artisan tinker. Use the below command. This command will add 150 fake records in your database factory(App\User::class, 150)->create(); >>> factory(App\User::class, 150)->create(); 5. Create Route, Controller & Blade View Add Route Now we will add routes in web.php file as like below. Open routes/web.php file Route::get('users', 'UsersController@index'); Create Controller We need to create new controller UsersController that will manage two method. lets use this below command and create Controller. php artisan make:controller UsersController Now open the controller let’s go to the => app/Http/Controllers/UsersController.php. Put the below Code
Laravel 7/6 RESTful authentication APIs with passport tutorial. Here, you will learn how to create restful login, registration, get user info auth APIs in laravel with passport.
In this laravel middleware tutorial, we will learn how to create custom middleware and how it use in laravel based project. Simply create one custom middleware and check language in query string.