An Adventure in InnoDB Table Compression (for read-only tables)
In my last post about big MySQL deployments, I am quickly mentioning t...
PHP converts string to lowercase and uppercase. In this tutorial, we will show you, how to convert string to uppercase and how to convert string to lowercase and how to convert the uppercase first letter of each word in PHP with its definition, syntax, parameters, and examples.
Convert CSV file to JSON in PHP. In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert CSV data or file into a JSON object in PHP.
PHP age calculator program with source code and live demo. This tutorial shows you how to implement an age calculator in PHP.
Google recaptcha v3 demo example php. This tutorial shows how you can implement google v3 recaptcha with PHP form and validate forms also see live demo & example here.
PHP gets the min or minimum or lowest value in the array. This tutorial has the purpose to explain to you several easy ways to find or get the min or minimum or lowest value from an array in PHP.
PHP get or find the highest or maximum value in a multidimensional array. In this tutorial, you will learn how to get the maximum or highest value from the multidimensional array in PHP.
PHP get the max/maximum/largest value in array. This tutorial has the purpose to explain to you several easy ways to find or get the maximum or largest value from an array in PHP.
PHP compares arrays of keys and values. In this tutorial, you will learn how to PHP compare two or more array keys and values and find the difference between two or more array using the PHP array_diff_assoc() function.
PHP compares arrays for matches. In this tutorial, you will learn how to compare two or more arrays in PHP and create new arrays with match values.
Compare arrays in PHP. In this tutorial, you will learn how to compare two or more arrays in PHP and create a unique array without duplicate values.