Famo.us Joins the jQuery Foundation
In case you haven’t heard, Famous Industries (Famo.us) announced tod...
In this PHP curl post example tutorial, we will learn how to POST data with PHP POST cURL requests. In this tutorial, we will take two examples of PHP post curl, First, one sends data to the server using the PHP CURL POST and second is send push notification to a mobile device with POST PHP CURL with curl post example with headers.
In this tutorial, We would love to share with you, How to get current page URL in PHP, PHP get current URL path, PHP get full URL with parameters, PHP get a current page, PHP get current URL with query string, PHP get a domain from URL.
How to compare case insensitive two strings in PHP. This tutorial would love to share with how to compare two case insensitive string in PHP.
Switch Statement in PHP | (Decision-Making Statements). Here we will learn what is switch case or decision making statement in PHP and how to use switch case statement in PHP.
empty() function in PHP. Here we will learn what is an empty function and how to use this function. Basically, empty() function can be used to check a variable is empty or not in PHP.
PHP isset() and unset() Function. In this tutorial, we would love to share with what is PHP isset() and unset() function, how to use this isset and unset function of PHP.
Convert strings or comma separated strings to arrays in PHP using explode() function. This tutorial demonstrates, how to convert a string, comma-separated strings into an array in PHP with example and demonstration.Convert strings or comma separated strings to arrays in PHP using explode() function. This tutorial demonstrates, how to convert a string, comma-separated strings into an array in PHP with example and demonstration.
Here you will learn, php array to comma separated string, PHP Array to String Conversion, PHP Array to Comma Separated String, PHP Two Dimensional Array to String Conversion, PHP Implode – Multidimensional Array to Comma Separated String, PHP Implode Multidimensional Array to Comma Separated String.
Export CSV file in PHP mysql. Here you will learn how to export data into MySQL database in CSV file using PHP code.
PHP send email With Inbuilt PHP MAIL() function. This tutorial show you how you can send email in PHP using inbuilt PHP mail() function.