QR (Quick Response) code used to read your data in your smart devices for ease. If you have a visiting card and want to add name, email and mobile number in you mobile its hart to type if there is a QR code of contact added on that card then you can easily add that in you contact list by scanning that code. Today i am going to show you how to generate a QR code in PHP.
We have used Google Chart Tools to generate code.
Create file QRGenerator.php
class QRGenerator {
protected $size;
protected $data;
protected $encoding;
protected $errorCorrectionLevel;
protected $marginInRows;
protected $debug;
public function __construct($data='https://www.phpgang.com',$size='300',$encoding='UTF-8',$errorCorrectionLevel='L',$marginInRows=4,$debug=false) {
$this->size=($size>100 && $size<800)? $size : 300;
$this->encoding=($encoding == 'Shift_JIS' || $encoding == 'ISO-8859-1' || $encoding == 'UTF-8') ? $encoding : 'UTF-8';
$this->errorCorrectionLevel=($errorCorrectionLevel == 'L' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'M' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'Q' || $errorCorrectionLevel == 'H') ? $errorCorrectionLevel : 'L';
$this->marginInRows=($marginInRows>0 && $marginInRows<10) ? $marginInRows:4;
$this->debug = ($debug==true)? true:false;
public function generate(){
$QRLink = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=".$this->size."x".$this->size. "&chl=" . $this->data .
"&choe=" . $this->encoding .
"&chld=" . $this->errorCorrectionLevel . "|" . $this->marginInRows;
if ($this->debug) echo $QRLink;
return $QRLink;
In a above class we have make many options image size, data etc now showing you examples of it to generate images.
Example 1: Without data it will generate QR code of http://codinghelptech.com link.
$ex1 = new QRGenerator();
echo "<img src=".$ex1->generate().">";
Example 2: This will generate different url with different image size.
Example 3: This will Generate simple text QR code with different encoding.<?php
$ex2 = new QRGenerator('http://google.com',100);
echo "<img src=".$ex2->generate().">";
Example 3: This will Generate simple text QR code with different encoding.
$ex3 = new QRGenerator('THIS IS JUST A TEXT',100,'ISO-8859-1');
echo "<img src=".$ex3->generate().">";