PHP 7 String Functions – Strrev, strlen, implode, trim
Php 24-Jun-2021

PHP 7 String Functions – Strrev, strlen, implode, trim

PHP string functions tutorial, the string is a collection of characters. we learn about basic most useful PHP string functions. We will develop any website using PHP at that time we need to require basic PHP functions.
This PHP string function is very easy and helpful.

Top 10+ String Functions in PHP

PHP has several built-in string functions. top 10+ string function in PHP :

  • Trim funcition
  • Ucfirst function
  • Ucwords function
  • Strlen function
  • Strtolower function
  • Strtoupper function
  • Lcfirst function
  • Str Replace function
  • Str Word Count function
  • Strrev function
  • Strpos function
  • Substr function
  • Implode function
PHP 7.3.0 improvements and new features :

Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntax
PCRE2 Migration
Multiple MBString Improvements
LDAP Controls Support
Improved FPM Logging
Windows File Deletion Improvements
Several Deprecations

Let’s start

PHP Trim Function

Trim function is used to removing whitespace both side of sting.

$str = " Developers! ";
echo trim($str);

PHP Ucfirst Function

Ucfirst string function is used to change to sting the first word to uppercase.

 echo ucfirst("hello world!");
Hello world!

PHP Ucwords Function

This is used to change string each word first charactor to uppercase.

echo ucwords("hello developers");
Hello Developers

PHP Strlen Function

Strlen function is used to count length of string.

echo strlen("developer");

PHP Strtolower Function

Strtolower function is used to change lowercase of each charactor (whole string) of sting.

echo strtolower("DEVELOPER");

PHP Strtoupper Function

This function is used to convert uppercase of each charactor ( whole string ) of string.

echo strtoupper("testing");

PHP Lcfirst Function

This is used to make the first charactor of string to lowercase.

echo lcfirst("FINAL");

PHP Str Replace Function

str_replace function is used to replace the value

echo str_replace("program","developer","Hello program!");
// output
Hello developer

PHP Str Word Count Function

Str to word function is used to count the number of words in string.

echo str_word_count("Hello first my name is developer");
// output

PHP Strrev Function

Strrev function is used to reversing the string. Use it for reversed to sting.

echo strrev("Hello");
// output

PHP Strpos Function

Strpos function is used to find the text in string . If it find the text in string return true or false.

echo strpos("Welcome to india","india");
// output

PHP Substr Function

Substr function is used to show(display) exact words in string.

echo substr("Hello my name is developer",0,5);

PHP  Implode() Function

This function is change array to string :

$arr = array('Hello','Developers!');
echo implode(" ",$arr);
Hello Developers

In this php string functions tutorial, we have learned the common useful PHP string functions.