HTML5 : The Syntax for FIGCAPTION Element
Html5 22-Sep-2016

HTML5 : The Syntax for FIGCAPTION Element

FIGCAPTION Element is used to put an additional information about the image. As if we have to give a discription about the image, we don't need to embed an another paragraph to define the description. It may slightly complex also, to use another paragraph and style it with the displayed image. So with FIGCAPTION Element, we can define a description and it will automatically adjust its surrounding style according the image.


         <title>Title name will go here <title>
        <p>The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.
           The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.
           The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.
           The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.
           The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.
           The quick brown fox jumps over a right lazy dog.</p>
            <img src="images/rose.jpg"/>
            <figcaption>This is rose flower.figcaption>